Food For Hotels – Easy Meal Ideas

9 Budget Friendly Meals to make in your hotel room

Whether you are travelling alone, or with kids, your spouse, or an annoying coworker, having healthy meals in your hotel room can be beneficial. You should consider bringing or buying food for your hotel. It saves you tons of time locating food in an unfamiliar area. It saves money for sure. If your days are really busy with meetings, or even hitting the theme park, you will appreciate relaxing in your room at the end of the day and enjoying a meal.

You can easily find frozen or ready to microwave foods at the local grocery store. These might be the first things you think about when you consider food for hotels. Items like yogurt, bagels, cold cereal, frozen microwave dinners, chicken nuggets, and cold sandwiches are popular. Canned soups or Spaghettios work, too. However, maybe you want something more like you eat at home, or simply more budget friendly for the whole family.

Here are eight inexpensive, fast and easy, kid friendly and adult friendly food meals you can make right in your hotel room. They use only a microwave, and maybe a knife or can opener. Add ready to eat fruit and veggies on the side.

Cheese and ham quesadillas

These require three ingredients, ham lunchmeat, cheese, and tortillas. If you don’t care for ham, try a different meat. Turkey lunch meat works great, as does canned chicken. If choosing canned chicken, make sure that can opener is handy. Forgot the can opener? They have them at the Dollar Tree, along with paper plates and silverware. If you are vegetarian, try adding some canned black beans instead. If your family is eating low carb, you can use low carb tortillas. Simply put your tortilla on a plate, add some cheese and meat, and microwave until the cheese melts. If you’re not quite sure on this, here’s a recipe.

Rice, broccoli, sausage

Three, or four, ingredients are required. You will need some pre-cooked rice, a bag of frozen seam in the bag broccoli, and some precooked sausage. Heat the rice according to the directions on the package. Cook the broccoli according to the directions on the package. Heat up the pre-cooked sausage. If you want, you can add some butter or margarine. If you don’t have it, a bit of salt and pepper should do. Switch it up and try using different pre-cooked meats, such as chicken or ham, and different veggies. Perhaps you like cauliflower or green beans better than broccoli. Those work here just as easily. Just make sure you buy the steam in the bag veggies for this purpose. You will be able to cook these without needing any additional dishes.

Bean burritos

These are similar to the quesadillas above. A can of refried beans and a package of tortillas are the only necessary two ingredients. Add some salsa, cheese, avocado, or sour cream if you want to make them taste a little better. Make sure you have a can opener with you, or that the can of beans has a pull tab.

Hot dogs and fruit

While this isn’t the healthiest option on the list, it is extremely easy to make. A package of hot dogs, some buns, and a fruit of your choice, or some baby carrots, is all you will need to make a well balanced meal. If your kids like ketchup, pick up a bottle of that, too. Or use those packets of ketchup you saved from you last fast food stop. If you are feeling fancy, add a can of chili to make your hot dogs into chili dogs!

Waldorf salad

Surprisingly, this tasty meal is really easy to make, and really healthy. You only need three ingredients, an apple, some celery, and cottage cheese. You will need a sharp knife. If you forgot one, you can pick up an inexpensive knife at the store or at the local Dollar Tree for a dollar. You are still spending much less than if you were eating out. Cut up the apple. Cut up the celery. Mix in some cottage cheese. That’s it!

Chicken Caesar salad

A bag of premade salad from the produce section, and a can of chicken is all you need here. This is one of my favorite options for food in a hotel. The veggies are included already, making it a super healthy meal. If you are eating low carb, skip the croutons. If you are vegetarian, skip the chicken and add some cheese or beans. Mix it together and eat it. Once again, you might need that can opener.

Baked potatoes are great food for hotels. Cook them right in the microwave.

Baked potatoes, or baked sweet potatoes

Potatoes are easy to cook in the microwave. Simply poke a hole in it so it doesn’t explode, and cook until it is soft. You can simply top it with butter and salt, or plan on using your favorite toppings. You can top with tuna, cheese, chili, salad dressing, ketchup, or your leftover broccoli. If you haven’t done it before, here are some specific directions on how to cook a potato in the microwave.

Oatmeal with fruit

This one is very obvious, but extremely budget friendly. You can use the pre-packaged oatmeal packets, or else just buy instant oatmeal. The instant oatmeal in the tubs will provide more meals for less money. Dollar Tree usually has a small tub of quick cooking oats for a dollar. Pour cold water over the oats and cook in the microwave for a minute or two. Alternatively, you can boil the water first and pour it over the oats. Add some berries or raisins and you have an amazing meal. Or you can eat fruit or the rest of your carrots on the side.

For those of you who don’t like oatmeal, look for precooked packets of quinoa. Add a little sweetener and some berries and this is a wonderful hot cereal you can eat in your hotel room. If you have any leftover rice, that will work too.

Have some coffee creamer handy? Some sweetener packets perhaps? Mix one of those individual coffee creamers and a sweetener packet into your hot cereal to make it sweet, creamy and delicious.

Scrambled eggs

You might be wondering if I am talking about something pre-made. Nope. Just regular eggs that you buy by the dozen. Crack a couple open, stir up in a coffee mug with a fork, salt and pepper if you have it, and a tiny bit of water. Microwave for about 15 seconds at a time, stirring in between, until they are done. If you want to get fancy, add some bacon bits, cheese, or leftover veggies. You can also put your eggs on some bread for a quick breakfast sandwich. No need to limit yourself to the morning hours to eat breakfast. It works for lunch, dinner, or even a late night snack.

Add fruit and veggies to your food for hotels

It is important to eat fruits and vegetables every day. While you don’t need to add them to every single meal, once or twice a day would be great. An easy way to add some nutrition to your hotel food is to add a ready to eat fruit or veggie to your meal. When considering food for hotels, simple is best. Apples, bananas, grapes, sugar snap peas, carrots, or cucumbers are all fresh veggies you can just wash and eat. Aside from possibly grapes, the other foods I mentioned will definitely last a few days unrefrigerated, maybe even a week, if you don’t eat them right away.

Food for hotels. Cook your own food quickly and easily right in your own hotel room.

Food in your hotel doesn’t have to be boring!

There are a million possibilities. You can even try some recipes at home before you go to see how you like them.

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